creating value

through land development

Design Concept

First we determine the highest and best use for the land, then work with engineers to create a conceptual design to present to the local jurisdictions.

Obtain Entitlements

We work closely with local engineers that leverage strong relationships with local jurisdictions to ensure entitlements are obtained in the shortest amount of time possible

Break Ground

As soon as we are clear to break ground our contractors hit the ground running to bring our concept from an idea to reality.

Creating impact through

land development

Selion Development specializes in sourcing off-market raw land real estate properties that offer significant upside potential through value-add activities such as subdividing, road construction, and installation of utilities.

Mason Klement, CEO

“Our goal at Selion is to create a lasting, positive impact on the local community with every project we do.”

Mason Klement
Our Expertise

Over 3 Years of Experience in real estate Development

We work hard to extract the most value out of every piece of land we work on.

Government Approvals
Road Installation
Land Clearing

Interested in selling land to Selion?

Be sure to contact us today for a free valuation and offer on your property.